MediShare Christian Health Insurance Helps Pay For Adoption
MediShare is a Christian health insurance alternative. It offers most of the same benefits as traditional health insurance, but with lower premiums. Most families can save anywhere between 30-50% in premiums each year! There has been a lot of talk over the past couple of years about medical insurance, especially since the initiation of ObamaCare in 2014. MediShare is a great option for individuals and families seeking affordable medical insurance that aligns with their values and religious beliefs while meeting the requirements of The Affordable Healthcare Act.
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Considering Interest Free Adoption Loans?
If you need a large amount of cash to pay for a home study, agency fees, travel or other adoption expenses, whether planned or unexpected, you may want to consider an adoption loan. Interest free adoption loans provide affordable financing options for families pursuing domestic, international, and foster care adoptions.
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101 Adoption Fundraising Ideas
Every family’s adoption journey is unique, including the process of funding it. Few families have the money available to write a check for $25,000 or more. Most have to look beyond their own savings to cover the costs of adoption by applying for grants, hosting fundraising events, using adoption crowdfunding sites, taking out loans, asking employers about adoption benefits and whatever other creative ways they can conjure up. Our ultimate list of 101 Adoption Fundraising Ideas will give you all the fundraisers you will ever need to know to help fund your adoption without debt.
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How To Choose The Right Crowdfunding Platform For Your Adoption
With its explosive growth and effectiveness, crowdfunding has changed the way we finance pretty much everything. If you need to fundraise in order to afford an expensive adoption, you should seriously consider crowdfunding as a way to help fund it.
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10 Adoption Grants For Christian Families
When you research about adoption, you quickly notice that there are a lot of adoption grants for Christian families to choose from….in fact, over 50! The Bible repeatedly uses action verbs like “defend,” “help” and “protect” when referring to the fatherless, widows, strangers and other marginalized people. Isaiah 1:17 says, “Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”
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How Credit Cards Helped Us Save $4,304 For Adoption
Have you considered using credit cards to save money or help cover expenses for adoption? We’re sure glad we did. In less than 3 years, we saved $4,304 for adoption and earned a ton of free flights using credit cards. The best part, all the cash back, airline miles, and other rewards are tax-free! If you use a credit card responsibly and pay it off each month, then this information can easily help you save an extra $1,000 or more toward your adoption.
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