November Adoption Grants, Eligibility Criteria and Deadlines
November is a great time to apply for adoption grants, especially prior to Thanksgiving and before the craziness of Christmas takes over! We’ve identified 5 grants with application deadlines in November and included each of the adoption grants, eligibility criteria, and deadlines below to help you fund your adoption.
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October Adoption Grants, Eligibility Criteria and Deadlines
October is a huge month for adoption grants! Are you ready for it? As part of our ongoing mission to help you adopt debt-free, we’ve included the list of adoption grants, eligibility criteria, and deadlines for the month. Don’t forget, there are a lot of grants that have rolling deadlines which means you can anytime, generally after your home study has been approved. Adoption grants should be an important part of your fundraising strategy. Be sure to research each grant and application guidelines, take your time to fill out all the information correctly, and put forth a lot of effort to share your adoption story.
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July Adoption Grants, Eligibility Criteria, and Deadlines
Summer is in high gear! July adoption grants are probably the last thing on your mind, right? Well, the good news is that you get a break…sort of. However, instead of waiting until the fall, you can put yourself in a great position to be awarded adoption grants during the summer months while most other families are busy with sports, vacation, and other commitments.
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June Adoption Grants, Eligibility Criteria, and Deadlines
Summer is finally here! For some of you, this is your favorite time of the year. For others, the summer is chaotic and stressful. Maybe you’ve got your hands full trying to keep the kids occupied, organizing your summer vacation schedule, or running kids from practice to practice. However, if you’re adopting, the summer might be the perfect time to finally launch your fundraising and apply for adoption grants.
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May Adoption Grants, Eligibility Criteria, and Deadlines
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if April showers brought May adoption grant awards to every family? As much as we think so, it’s pretty unlikely this will happen. However, you can put yourself in a great position to receive adoption grants by identifying grants that you qualify for and spending time to make your adoption story truly stands out.
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April Adoption Grants, Eligibility Criteria, and Deadlines
Have you filed your taxes yet? Neither have I. If you’re fundraising for adoption, you have a lot of catching up to do. If you’ve filed your taxes, you have plenty of time to apply for your April adoption grants, right? Probably not.
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