Ice Cream Social Fundraiser
Who doesn’t love ice cream? I mean, come on! I Scream, You Scream…We All Scream, right? That’s the reason for this post. If you are looking for a fundraiser that is spirited, well attended, and outright delicious, this just might be one for you to put on the calendar.
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Beard or No Beard – An Epic Adoption Fundraiser
We believe that fundraising requires planning, passion, and most importantly – creativity. What our friend, Lindsy, and husband William Wallace did was brilliant. They brought in their friends, family, and even strangers into a marital dispute over his growing beard. Lindsy was not a fan of the beard which had been growing for a year. As one of their final fundraisers to bring home their daughter, Glory, from the Democratic Republic of Congo, they launched “Beard for Glory” to let the the people decide on the fate of the beard.
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Holiday Market Adoption Fundraiser
One of our most successful adoption fundraisers was a holiday open house. We hosted 15 vendors of home sale businesses as well as friends who sold handmade crafts, in our home on a Saturday afternoon in November. Some of our children and their friends made Christmas ornaments to sell as well.
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September 2015 Adoption Grants, Eligibility Criteria and Deadlines
Here’s your monthly dose of adoption grants, eligibility criteria, and deadlines as part of our ongoing mission to help you adopt without debt. Adoption grants should be an important part of your fundraising strategy. Be sure to research each grant and application guidelines, take your time to fill out all the information correctly, and put forth a lot of effort to share your adoption story.
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Where To Find Interest Free Adoption Loans
Adoption loans provide an affordable solution for families in the process of adopting a child. Adoption loans can be a critical component of your funding plan and offer immediate cash. Loans are frequently used to start the adoption home study and make initial payments, keep money on hand in case of an emergency or unexpected payment, travel, and even buy you time to fundraise and apply for grants. Adoption loans should be used to create options not stress.
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August 2015 Adoption Grants, Eligibility Criteria and Deadlines
Here’s the list of August adoption grants, eligibility criteria and deadlines as part of our mission to help you adopt debt-free. Adoption grants can be an important part of the fundraising journey. Be sure to research, take your time to share your story and avoid these 4 common mistakes when applying.
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