Shhh…Secret Sale! I See Me Personalized Children’s Books – Limited Time Only!
For a limited time only (Offer Expires 6/4/15), I See Mee which produces award-winning personalized children’s books is having a secret sale. Customers can simply enter code SHH during checkout to get a surprise discount that will reveal your savings!
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FYA 013: How To Choose Your Adoption Airfare – with Tabitha Lovell
In this episode of the Fund Your Adoption Podcast, I interview Tabitha Lovell. She is the co-founder and travel manager of Adoption Airfare and Cheap Missions Trips specializing in adoption, missions and humanitarian airfare. Tabitha and her husband, Kevin, have a passion for orphan care and adoption, and a missions trip to Uganda in 2008 was the catalyst that began the work they do with Adoption Airfare. Adoption Airfare serves adoptive families with all their international travel needs, has an experienced team that will answer all of your questions and assist with flight itineraries, ticket holds, emergencies, flight delays and much more.
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The Puzzle Fundraiser – Invite Others To Be A Piece Of Your Adoption Story
If you’ve been in adoption circles for any length of time, you’ve probably seen others promote a version of the puzzle fundraiser, where individuals can “sponsor” a piece of the puzzle by making a donation toward the adoption. As each sponsor donates, their name is written on the back of a puzzle piece.
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FYA 012: Understanding The Adoption Tax Credit – with Becky Wilmoth
In this episode of the Fund Your Adoption Podcast, I interview Becky Wilmoth. She is an Enrolled Agent and Registered Tax Return Preparer and Adoption Tax Credit Specialist® with Bills Tax Service, licensed in all 50 states. She is an expert on the Adoption Tax Credit, regular speaker at national adoption conferences and guest writer for Adoption Today Magazine. She has helped hundreds of families successfully claim the Adoption Tax Credit.
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National Adoption Foundation Adoption Grant
The National Adoption Foundation is dedicated to providing financial support for adoptive families in order to assist them in the successful adoption of children. The organization is committed to improving each child’s chance of becoming part of a loving family. The Foundation’s programs include grants, loans and fundraising and are available to any family bringing a child into their home through a private domestic, international or foster care adoption.
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FYA 011: Life-Changing Adoption Grants – with Becky Fawcett
In this episode of the Fund Your Adoption Podcast, I interview Becky Fawcett, the Founder and Executive Director of Helpusadopt.org. Becky and her husband Kipp founded the organization in 2007 to help families and individuals overcome the financial hurdles of adoption. Helpusadopt.org provides life-changing adoption grants up to $15,000 and since inception has assisted 124 families and awarded over $1 million to adoptive families.
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